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Bingofriends.com is fully licensed in Malta, under NetPlay (Malta) Ltd. and is a full member of the European Union meaning bingofriends.com is licensed in the EU. We adhere to strict code of conduct. Please read carefully bingofriends.com's terms and conditions before playing and check the laws of the market in which you reside before playing. All our players must be over the age of 18.

All your personal data, any purchases you make, all the games you play - all your activity on the site is entirely safe and secure. We use Thawte's 128 bit Security Certificate, the best internet security certificate available on the market. It is constantly updated to the latest version.

All your transactions are completely secure, using Thawte’s 128 security certificate, the best internet security certificate available on the market. Visit www.thawte.com for more information.

If your credit card is stolen, lost or disabled or shall your credit card details change (expiry date, issue number, start date), please contact NetPlay (Malta) Ltd. (support@bingofriends.com). immediately. In case you do not inform NetPlay (Malta) Ltd. about any of the above mentioned, the company will not be made liable for any financial damage or similar you may suffer. Of course, you should contact your card issuer as your first priority before contacting us.

The minimum deposit required to play games, purchase cards and be eligible for winnings is £9.


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